Discipline System
1. Address negative behavior by meeting with individual
2. Implement Discipline
3. Redirect Behavior
4. Cut Hours
5. Suspension
6. Termination
Discipline System
Appearance/Grooming (2 points)
Attempted Sick Call (7 points)
Cash Theft (30 points)
Call out, No Coverage (6 points)
Call out, No Coverage - Saturday Night (8 points)
Clocking another TM In/Out (10 points)
Drawer Over/Short (2 points)
Excessive Tardiness - 30+ min (8 Points)
Failure to complete manager tasks (5 points)
Failure to follow procedures (2 points)
Food Safety Violation (5 points)
Food Theft (15 points)
Forgetting catering items (5 points)
Inappropriate Language (5 points)
Insubordination (10 points)
Late from break (5 points)
Missing Promos/Coupons/Refunds (30 points)
No Call/No Show (10 points)
Negative Talk/Slander (10 points)
Scanning Customer Receipts for CFA App Points (30 points)
Smoking/Vaping on Company Property (30 points)
Tardy w/ Courtesy Call (3 points)
Tardy (4 points)
Tardy +10 min (5 points)
Time Theft (15 points)
Uniform (2 points)
Under the Influence of Drugs/Alcohol (30 points)
10 Points = Cut hours
20 Points = Suspension
30 Points = Termination
(All infractions are subject to review)
(Potential to wipe slate clean after 200 worked hours of good behavior from last offense)
(Immediate action can be taken if team member hasn’t demonstrated a consistent pattern of good behavior/willingness to improve)